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David Fan · AmayzinDave

David Fan is an emerging interdisciplinary new media artist with a penchant for tinkering, over-thinking, and exploring the intersections of technology, art, and gamification. With a passion for tech-education, David approaches problems from both an academic and artistic standpoint to understand topics conceptually and incorporate them into art in a manner that simplifies their presentation and offers an opportunity to educate others through interactive learning and play.

me unique and known on a variety of platforms.


Between trying to become a celebrity and binge-watching terrible reality shows, David spends a lot of the time on the interwebs, creating things and writing terrible jokes. Passionate about practically everything, David strives to be the best at everything he does and puts 110% in all his work! #whataloser


With experience in graphic and website design, customer service, blogging, fabrication, and coding, as well as being a team leader and adaptable to any environment, David is ready to leave his mark on the world!


Follow him on Instagram & Snapchat- @amayzindave

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